Local level

We support entrepreneurs

  • Tax exemptions and reductions
  • Friendly local authorities
  • Investment process support
  • Dedicated oficer from local authorities
  • Organisational and legal assistance
  • Priority for investors warranted
  • Package for entrepreneurs
  • Small and large investments areas
  • High level of public support
  • Business consultancy and support
  • Cooperation in personel recruitment
  • Support in contacts with network managers
  • Network support
  • After-investment care
  • Annual Entrepreneur’s Ball and the „Precious Horseshoe” award

The study of spatial development conditions and directions of the Municipality of Chełmża

Tax exemptions for entrepreneurs

Investor Services
Elżbieta Kornalewska
Business Activity Specialist
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. +48 56 6756076 ext. 47

We support entrepreneurs

We support entrepreneurs

Regional level

A partial financial support under the Regional Operational Programme for Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020

A partial support for creating new jobs for the unemployed, the disabled, and facilitating the recruitment and training processes

National level

Income tax exemptions for business operations within the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone

Support under the "Programme for supporting investment of major importance to the Polish economy for 2014 - 2020”

Support under the Sectoral Operational Programmes

1. Polish Investment and Trade Agency
The government grants are awarded under the Programme for supporting investment of major importance to the Polish economy for 2011 – 2023.
Detailed information - https://www.paih.gov.pl/why_poland/Polish_Investment_Zone

2. Smart Growth Operational Programme
The EU programme offers, among other things, support for R&D projects and implementation of the results of R&D projects into the economy.
Detailed information - www.poir.gov.pl

3. Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme
Under this EU programme companies can be provided with resources for activities spheres such as low-carbon economy, environmental protection, energy security and health care.
Detailed information - www.pois.gov.pl

4. Horizon 2020
The largest ever programme aimed at financing scientific research and innovations in the European Union. The budget of the Horizon 2020 programme for 2014-2020 amounts to nearly EUR 80 billion. The objective of the programme is to provide financing for modern enterprises from their early stages until the final implementation of solutions, products or technologies.
Detailed information - www.instrumentyfinansoweue.gov.pl/en

Further information and sample application forms are available on the website of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency http://www.paih.gov.pl/en

The information on legal regulations applicable to business activities in Poland can be found on the website of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency under the Law tab